This new edition of biographical sketches of notable blacks from Mississippi expands the edition published in 1977. A total of 166 figures are included in this new printing, all of them persons who have, by the authors' comprehensive survey, made significant contributions in bringing about the uplift of the black race.Black history makers are defined herein as those who have achieved national prominence in their fields, have made lasting contributions within the state as pioneers in fields where blacks were not previously allowed, or contributed in their own community or field, representing the lives of many blacks and serving as role models of what can be accomplished. Each of those included in the book either was born in Mississippi and spent a part of his or her childhood there or migrated to Mississippi and remained.Seventy-five history makers have been added to those in the first edition which included Hiram R. Revels, the first black U.S. Senator; Blanche K. Bruce, the first black U.S. Senator to serve a six-year term; political and civil rights leaders such as Aaron Henry, Medgar Evers, and Fannie Lou Hamer; and contributors to arts and letters such as Leontyne Price, William Grant Still, Margaret Walker Alexander, and James Earl Jones; and many others./ Among those included in this new edition of Mississippi Black History Makers are William Johnson, a free black from antebellum Natchez; Margaret Murray Washington, wife of Booker T. Washington; Bo Diddley McDaniel, a pioneer rock-and-roll musician; Walter Payton, running back for the Chicago Bears; and other notable black Mississippians.Information about many contemporary figures who appeared in the first edition has been updated, and the book has been reorganized in ten thematic sections: politics, civil rights, business, education, performing and visual arts, journalism and literature, military, science/medicine/social work, sports, and religion. Each section is introduced with an historical overview of this field in Mississippi, written by Margaret Dwight.This book is a valuable reference work for those wishing to assess the contributions of blacks to the history of Mississippi. Of particular significance is the fact that it is a collection which brings attention to lesser known figures as well as those of considerable renown.
Heather McTeer Hudson, Mississippi Mayor 1975 - Birthplace - Greenville, Mississippi The first African American to be mayor of Greenville, Mississippi First female, black or white to serve in this position She was mayor of the largest ...
Iyanju ( Easley Quinn ) , was the author in 1977 of Reality , You Guessed Wrong ! It's Poetry ; and Julius E. Thompson's Blues Said : Walk On , appeared that year . The influence of the above poets was also expressed in their poetry ...
Civil Rights:A Current Guide to the People, Organizations, and Events. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1970. Altman, Susan. Extraordinary Black Americans: From Colonial to Contemporary Times. Chicago: Children's Press, 1989. Angelou, Maya.
2 George Alexander Sewell and Margaret L. Dwight, Mississippi Black History Makers (Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 1984), 131. 3 “Korean Veteran Arrested for Miss. College Integration Try,” JET, October 8, 1959, 20–21.
Sewell and Dwight, Mississippi Black History Makers, 52. Washington, “Skilled Negro Labor Better Treated in the South than in the North,” 70. Washington, “Difficulty of Obtaining Uniform Treatment,” in Harlan, Booker T. Washington ...
Jackson: Centennial Press of Mississippi, 2002. Burkhalter, Lois Wood. ... Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2003. Carson, James Taylor. ... Dickey, Dallas C. Seargent S. Prentiss: Whig Orator of the Old South.
George Lipsitz, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit From Identity Politics ... See T. Alexander Smith and Lenahan O'Connell, Black Anxiety, White Guilt and the Politics of Status Frustration (Westport, Conn.
Wilson, Robert. Proceedings of the Reunion of the Survivors of the Constitutional Convention of 1890: On the Twentieth ... Coleman, Edward Clarke. “Reconstruction in Attala County.” Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society 10 ...
Cameo biographies along with Lee's famous pen-and-ink portraits make this book an inviting and inspiring browser for students as well as a useful reference to teachers, writers, librarians, black community...
A History of News Coverage During National Crises, with Special Reference to Four Black Newspapers, 1827-1965 Charles ... George Alexander Sewell, Mississippi Black History Makers (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1977), 265.