Why does this book that everyone knows but that few have read continue to be perennially attractive for the media? In answer to this question, this study throws a new light on the idea of frontier and on the meaning of the American Dream.
The contents of this book cover what a Canon is and why it matters, the Canon backstory, modern Canons, factors that make a work Canonical, the literary Canon, and much more.
This eBook version of The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 5 presents the full text of this literary classic.
This eBook version of The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 1 presents the full text of this literary classic.
This eBook version of The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3 : The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym presents the full text of these literary classics.
The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education
This volume, which includes a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the sources, will stand as the ultimate authority for the text and canon of Wyatt's poems.
No student, teacher, or inquisitive reader of literature will want to be without this book-just as no one interested in the new data-attentive methods in history, criticism, and the social sciences can afford to evade its summons.
This eBook version of The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 2 presents the full text of this literary classic.
Teachers, students, parents, educators, legislators, leaders and everyone who cares about America's future must read this compelling book.
Restores the Wycliffie heresy to its proper place as the most significant context for late medieval English writing.