A Photographic Atlas for Microbiology Laboratory

A Photographic Atlas for Microbiology Laboratory
Burton E. Pierce, Michael J. Leboffe


This full-color atlas is intended as a visual reference to supplement laboratory manuals or instructor-authored exercises for introductory microbiology laboratory courses. The atlas can be used alone but also has been designed to be used in conjunction with Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory, 5e, by Leboffe & Pierce, with images keyed to specific exercises.Features:?More than 700 full-color, high-quality, color-accurate photographs serve as a visual reference for students in the laboratory and aid in interpreting results in the lab.?The purpose and principle are set forth for each technique and test in the book so students will understand the why as well as the how in learning to be proficient microbiologists.?A section on microscopy provides practical information about how to operate a microscope.?Informative color diagrams, clearly written captions, and additional text provide helpful information to make the atlas easy to use and understand.

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