Young Children and the Arts: Nurturing Imagination and Creativity examines the place of the arts in the experiences of young and very young children at home and in out-of-home settings at school and in the community. There is great need for development of resources in the arts specifically designed to introduce babies and toddlers to participatory experiences in the visual arts, dance, music, and storytelling/theater. This book presents valuable guidelines for early childhood teachers, families, caregivers and community organizations. Young Children and the Arts presents a comprehensive approach to the arts that is aligned with early childhood developmentally appropriate practice and that combines an exploratory, materials-based approach with an aesthetic-education approach for children from birth to eight years of age. It addresses both how the arts are foundational to learning, and how teachers and parents can nurture young children’s developing imagination and creativity. The models presented emphasize a participatory approach, introducing young children to the arts through activities that call for engagement, initiative and creative activity. Additionally, Young Children and the Arts addresses the intersection of early childhood education and the arts—at points of convergence, and at moments of tension. The role of families and communities in developing and promoting arts suffused experiences for and with young children are addressed. Young Children and the Arts examines the role of innovative arts policy in supporting a broad-based early arts program across the diverse settings in which young children and their families live, work, and learn.
Includes information about artistic development, children's books, creative drama, movement, musical development, musical instruments, physical development, play, puppetry, recipes, singing, children with special needs, tools and materials, ...
The book: - Offers practical and rich illustrations of teachers’ and children’s work based on international research that integrates theory with practice; - Brings a critical lens to arts education; - Includes summaries, reflective ...
"Based on developmentally appropriate practices, this new edition continues to reflect an art focus, emphasizing child-directed (opposed to teacher-directed) activities and outlining an art studio approach for your classroom.
Creativity and the Arts with Young Children, 2e is written specifically for early childhood educators as well as professionals who work with children birth through age eight. The focus of...
Featuring the work of leading scholar-practitioners, Visual Arts with Young Children raises critical questions about the situated nature of the visual arts and its education in early childhood.
Seventeen authors, whose work represents the best of contemporary research and theory on a constellation of issues concerning the role of the arts in children's lives and learning, address critical issues of development, context, and ...
To create marble paintings, you need to provide nontoxic, odorless shaving cream, paints, one craft stick (optional), paint brushes, one paper plate or tray, construction paper, and one piece of cardboard with a straight edge.
From setting up a studio space in your home to finding the best art materials for children, this book gives you all the information you need to get started.
This book provides a rich resource of ideas and approaches that will inspire all those who work with young children to explore the arts process with them.
Young children love all kinds of art, and this book will help you make the most of these natural learning opportunities!