This book is designed to provide practical applications of sociocultural theory with regard to teachers’ roles in second language education. By providing specific examples of teachers’ roles in the classroom, the book aims to help researchers, teacher educators, and classroom teachers make clear connections between practice and theory in second language learning. All the studies in this edited book are conducted in the PreK-16 classroom setting. Each chapter presents rigorous research analysis within the framework of sociocultural theory and provides rich descriptions of teachers’ roles. The book is intended to be used in teacher education courses. The primary audience of the book is in-service teachers who work with second language learners (SLLs) in their classrooms including ESL/Bilingual classrooms or regular classrooms. Since many SLLs receive instructions both in the ESL/Bilingual classrooms and in the regular classrooms, it is important to discuss teachers’ roles in both settings. The secondary audience of the book is teacher educators and researchers who work with pre-service and in-service teachers in teacher education. This book will be an excellent resource for book study groups and practitioners working with professional learning communities.
This book explores theories and pedagogies in the L2 classroom that have led to an understanding of how non-native languages are taught and learned.
This book presents a critique of academic language as a separable construct from social language, and introduces current research efforts to understand how English learners interact, interpret, and show understanding of language in academic ...
Adopting a learner-centred approach that places an emphasis on hands-on child SL methodology, this book illustrates the practices used to teach young second language learners in different classroom contexts: (1) English-as-an-Additional ...
... in part , to the fact that most pre - service teachers enter the practicum with a critical lack of knowledge about the students ( Book et al , 1983 ; Brousseau and Freeman 1984 ; Kagan 1992 ; Weinstein 1989 ) .
This book contributes to this movement, embracing both a theoretical and an empirical purpose by integrating viewpoints from Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies and Second Language Acquisition.
This book proposes that research into generative second language acquisition (GenSLA) can be applied to the language classroom.
Ellis and Siegler focus on three aspects of the development of problem-solving: 1. formation of strategies; ... one reason why it may be important for learners to know the language learning purpose as well as the intended task outcome.
Mapping TOEIC Test Scores to the STANAG 6001 Language Proficiency Levels. Research Monograph 10–11. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Van Avermaet, P. and Rocco, L. (2013). Language testing and access.
This text provides a detailed account of current approaches to the education of teachers of second languages. The paperback edition provides a detailed account of current approaches to the education...
This book identifies the many facets of culture that influence second language learners and teachers. The paperback edition identifies the many facets of culture that influence second language learners and teachers.