A schoolmaster in the heart of Africa takes his best and most attentive student, a chimp, to England. The chimp, Emily, has learned to read and obtained a classically trained mind. We listen as her thoughts become a searchlight upon the English culture of the 1920s. A remarkable social satire, and a best seller.
Fortunately , on our third try , we found Dr. Morris and his wife doing some clean - up work at the Southwestern Animal Clinic of Fort Worth . By this time Jax was really squirming around , yet obviously without consciousness .
Saki's stories include the satiric , the comic , the macabre , and show a marked interest in the use of animals as agents of revenge upon mankind.
A collection of three Garfield comic books, focusing on his love of food and fun.
ADVENTURES OF BRUNO: Bruno and Milly in Lockdown Land
L'Amour à poils raconte la vie romantique tumultueuse de l'auteure, Rachel Toor, qui tombe en amour avec un grand nombre d'animaux - une souris, un rat, un chien, un chat, un cheval, un âne et un porc vietnamien ventru - de même qu'avec ...
Traditional Chinese edition of Life of Pi by Yann Martel. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
Jess, 17 ans, accouche d'un bébé orignal de 22 livres. Sous le choc, elle et son copain Nick devront relever plusieurs défis pour faire face aux particularités que représente leur étrange et encombrant enfant. [SDM].
Lindsey wanted to snuggle with her sick girl on the sofa, but she had a deadline. She had to work. Instead of yelling at Harper to turn the volume down even more, Lindsey closed the door between the dining room and the great room, ...
When Scout and his master Matt arrive in Puerto Rico in the wake of a hurricane, the dog they are fostering, Rosita, runs off into the forest, prompting Scout and Matt to go in after her.
Through their eyes, we have a chance to explore everything the amazing beach and wide, wide sea has to offer, until suddenly a violent storm blows in. The next morning the beach is ugly and covered in litter. Whose fault is it?