The American Book of Days features 850 essays marking important anniversaries and the birthdays of history-making Americans throughout the 366 days of the year. All American holidays and pivotal moments are noted as readers can delve into fascinating and
The American book of days
This is a collection of significant or interesting events from American history, arranged by the day of the month. Illustrated with paintings, old photographs, political cartoons, and eyewitness drawings of...
Unfurling like a medieval book of days, each page of Eduardo Galeano's Children of the Days has an illuminating story that takes inspiration from that date of the calendar year,...
... Book of Days follows a distinguished succession of such works : The Book of Days -- A Miscel- lany of Popular Antiquities , edited in Great Britain by Robert Chambers in 1869 ; The American Book of Days , first published by George W ...
1863 Minnesota's first railroad fatality: a train strikes a wagon driven by Captain Abraham Bennett at the Como Road crossing in St. Paul. There had been talk of building a bridge at the site, but, ironically, Bennett himself had ...
... times spent which it had ever been subject . his life leisurely wandering in old cathedrals and by pleasant streams , or figuring at Johnson's literary club , or musing in his favourite haunts in bis brother's garden at Winchester .
For the last forty-four years, according to the article, Naomi Duncan has taught art to junior and senior high school ... C. T. O. B. E. R. I. 9. IF YOUR S CHOOL has been in session for a few weeks, then it is probably time to evaluate ...
... THE AMERICAN THEATER CRITICS ASSOCIATION Acclaimed by Frank Rich as " a writer who illuminates the deepest dramas of American life with poetry and compassion , " Lanford Wilson is one of the most esteemed American playwrights of our ...