Many species of plants, microbes, and animals have been introduced around the world. Species are considered "invasive" or "alien" when they are not native to an area, but become established and cause, or are likely to cause, economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the threats, ecological impacts and control methods relating to invasive species. Topics include thermochemical processing of wood from invasive arboreal species for sustainable bioenergy generation; invasive rodents in the U.S.; invasive Buprestid beetle species monitoring; the invasive beaver castor canadensis of the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago; leaf-cutting ants; invasive species and accurate ecological assessment in freshwater pollution; and the aquarium trade as a pathway for the introduction of invasive species in Mexico.
"The Ontario Invading Species Awareness Program provides information to recreational boaters and anglers about aquatic invasive species and how to prevent their spread.
Guidelines on Biofuels and Invasive Species
South America Invaded: The Growing Danger of Invasive Alien Species
This book highlights their major impact on human health.
Aliens have taken over our parks, our gardens, our stream and lakes! They are not from outer space-- they are plants, animals, and other organisms that have hitchhiked beyond their own home habitats on Earth.
Invasive fish species and communities in New Zealand (New Zealand invasive fish species ; Invasive fish community impacts) Statutory responsibilities for invasive fish management (Statutory responsibilities, Ministry for Primary Industries ...