Gambling has been with us since ancient times and it is unquestionably here to stay. Although Poseidon, Zeus and Hades may no longer be dividing the world up in a game of dice, flocks of tourist still flood through the gates of Las Vegas' Caesars, Atlantic City's Taj Mahal and Macau's oddly named casino Greek Mythology. In Double Down On Your Data, author Clive Pearson reveals that we have entered a brave new world of gambling and entertainment, a world where casino executives can cull through their casino's in-house patron data and discover who are their most profitable patrons. Armed with this information, these casino executives can then market to their most valuable patrons in a highly personal way, thereby creating a long and lasting — and usually highly profitable — relationship. Double Down On Your Data teaches casino executives how best to manage their customer relations as today they are faced with a gambler who is much more sophisticated than the ancient Roman soldier who tossed a coin in the air and called "Heads or Ships."
The hotel, featuring 2,973 rooms, awaits the sound of Harry Reid's earmarked construction of an 8 billion dollar maglev railway. Although Penny might not be registered a lobbyists, she undeniably has casino ties, and influence.
Win At The Casino -- Explains basic rules of blackjack, baccarat, roulette, craps, keno, and slot machines -- Examines the odds in each game -- Offers practical survival information that may help you leave the casino with winning cash in ...
In Shift , Pataki Backs Legalized Casino Gambling to Aid Tourism . " New York Times ( 8 December 1994 ) : B16 ( L ) . 486. Dao , James . " Legalizing of Casinos Gains in Albany : Opposition Weakens as Gambling Spreads Throughout the ...
29 Levinson and others were often targeted because of their conspicuous ethnicity , and , once identified as “ boss gamblers , " they had little chance of “ passing " in legitimate business circles . Only in Nevada was the “ boss ...
Grandissimo is the story of how Jay Sarno won and lost his casino empire, inventing modern Las Vegas along the way.
Roll the Bones tells the story of gambling: where it came from, how it has changed, and where it is now.
at the Sands included Japanese millionaire, Kenji Osano, Adnan Khashoggi and CBG Murphy. Osano came to the Sands with one goal: break the bank. In those days, Baccarat was played with cash and Osano brought bags of it.
Food Casino West court with Baskin - Robbins , KFC Express , 11 N. Main Street Taco Bell Express and gourmet coffee shop . Yerington , Nevada 89447 Live entertainment . Country candy store . ( 775 ) 463-2481 Video arcade .
Baskin Robbins . $ 5 parking charge ( reimbursed for hotel guests ) . Legends Casino 200 E. Bennett Avenue ( 719 ) 689-3242 Old Chicago Casino 419 E. Bennett Avenue ( 719 ) 689-7880 Restaurants : 1 Other Games : Blackjack Fun Book ...