The Watchers is the absolute book that explores some of the most fundamental aspects of our lives, explaining exactly what the moon is, who is watching us from the moon, the nephilim giants, their fathers and what the Bible is really telling us. After reading this book, you'll never look at the night sky the same way again. And it's long overdue.
This is the outcome of a dream first hatched almost three decades ago, and The Watchers is an engrossing, unnerving wake-up call.
A “superior thriller”(Oakland Press) about a man, a dog, and a terrifying threat that could only have come from the imagination of #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz—nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by ...
Every hour, childlike Marc Rochat circles the Lausanne cathedral as the watchmen have done for centuries.
Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Origins of Evil
A history of the 16th-century monarch's secret service and its ruthless war against England's enemies evaluates the contributions of Sir Francis Walsingham while profiling the dark intelligence practices of the period to offer a chillingly ...
Grace Evans is on her way to becoming The Council's best asset.
Efforts to trace this legend to the Book ofGiants recovered at Qumran and attested in early Manichaean sources have ... John C. Reeves,Jewish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony: Studies in the Book of Giants Traditions (Cincinnati: Hebrew ...
Watchers are featured in the fourth chapter of the Book of Daniel as well as some of the other apocryphal books that have Enoch's name attached to them. Included here are some opening remarks, which examine the text itself.
Two creatures, the end result of experiments in genetic engineering and enhanced intelligence, escape from a government laboratory and bring either death and destruction or a touching new kind of love to those they encounter. Reissue.
Seeking a path home, Enoch witnesses a rogue order of Angels invading his home and threatening the existence of humanity. The book includes illustrations, poetry, and short stories centering around the fallen Angels known as the Watchers.