Men and women used to cheer: vive la différence! But now, contrary to all science and common sense, we’re supposed to believe that there is no difference. (And if you insist there is, you just might be accused of a hate crime!) Our culture—and our laws—are endorsing a worldview rooted in craziness. For instance, we’re told that: •Boys who think they’re girls (and who could change their minds tomorrow) should be allowed to participate in girls’ sports—and shower in their locker rooms •Expectant mothers are now “birthing individuals” •Coed college dorm rooms and bathrooms are great, but single-sex clubs are a campus danger •It’s horrible for stores to have separate boys and girls clothing departments (let alone toy sections) •It would be a great idea for our military to lower physical standards and push young women and mothers into combat roles in the military If you think that’s insanity, you’re not alone, but you might be surprised at just how widespread—and successful—this lunatic campaign has become. In her compelling new book, Sex Scandal, journalist Ashley McGuire takes this radical campaign to task and reveals: •How so-called “gender-norming” flies in the face of science (which is proving that men and women are even more different than commonly acknowledged) •Why—especially if you have kids—it’s almost impossible to avoid the dangerous consequences of a “gender neutral” world •How embracing sexual differences can make policing safer, government more efficient—and hedge funds lose less money •How “gender neutrality” is making women more vulnerable to violence •How the word “gender”—formerly a grammatical term—has been used to dismiss the reality of definite, biological “sex” (male and female) with fluid “gender identities” •Why “gender” insanity is not something we can just ignore and hope will fade away, but need to refute—now—with hard, cold facts before it does any more damage (which it likely will) Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female is packed with news-breaking interviews, shocking examples, and “inconvenient” facts that everyone needs to read—and act on.
Rich in character and fueled with the high octane of a sensational legal thriller, A Vast Conspiracy has indelibly shaped our understanding of this disastrous moment in American political history.
This unique collection of essays explains why politicians elected for their leadership and promises of ethical behavior risk their career, and the socio-political consequences of their actions.
Mary Wollstonecraft was joined by Catherine Macaulay, Mary Darby Robinson, and Mary Hays in this task. Although the word had not yet been invented, they can be termed feminists, since they denounced women's subordination and advocated ...
This book examines how gender impacts political sex scandals in the United States, in the past and today; explains how political sex scandals contribute to the mistrust of government; and identifies why these titillating events do have ...
When John was only three, his mother died shortly after giving birth to his younger sister, Theresa, and the two children were brought up by their aunt Anne Robinson, Lord Grantham's sister. The siblings enjoyed a close and affectionate ...
Powell called these charges “facts” that were unassailable. Well, George is back in the Lone Star state and General Powell, who apparently was duped and maybe a little embarrassed, didn't even stick around for W.'s second term.
“tasteful frescoes”: Haven, “A Morning at Stewart's,” 431. nine hundred other seamstresses: Resseguie, “Alexander Turney Stewart and the Development of the Department Store,” 301. “flock of women and girls”: Haven, “A Morning at ...
Curtis, Liz. 1984. Nothing but the Same Old Story: Roots of Anti-Irish Racism. London: Sasta. Cvetkovich, Ann. 1992. Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Chamberlain forbade any reference to the affair on the public stage, which was under his strict control, but the press was free, ... Each grace, each beauty, fades before his eye; Another conquest 26 Sex, Scandal, and Celebrity.
Rachel Chason, “A Short History of Roy Moore's Controversial Interpretations of the Bible,” Washington Post, September 27, 2017, https://www. ... Ibid.; Jess Bidgood et al., “For Roy Moore, a Long History of Combat and Controversy,” ...