Do moments of inspiration have to be few and far between—or can you develop the ability to access your deepest creativity at any time? Michael Gelb has discovered the missing key that allows genius to flourish: an open, reliable connection to the vital life energy we all possess. “The practices for accessing energy have been developed for thousands of years in yoga, martial arts, and Chinese medicine,” Gelb says. “I’ve asked today’s greatest living masters of these arts to contribute their most effective practices for cultivating creative energy—in a way that the average person can do in 20 minutes or less.” With Creativity On Demand, Gelb teaches a series of time-tested practices to clear blockages and open the flow of creative energy, then reveals how these techniques can be integrated with the renowned creative mindset and creative process tools he’s taught to individuals and organizations worldwide. Join him as he shares potent secrets for: Mastering creative energy—discover qi, the “fire of genius,” and learn movement-based practices to amplify it Mastering creative mindset—how to break out of conventional thinking and fear-based limitations to unleash your potential Mastering the creative process—guidance to help you channel your creative energy, refine your ideas, and translate inspiration into reality Effective, easy-to-learn techniques and strategies for accessing the power of qi and creating a reservoir of creative energy you can rely on when you need it “Creative energy is a resource that doesn’t get depleted when you use it,” teaches Michael Gelb. “Rather, the more you access it, the stronger it becomes. With an investment of less than half an hour a day, you’ll discover that within a few months you’ve significantly strengthened your core creative energy.” Here is Michael Gelb’s most powerful work yet on unlocking our potential to innovate, achieve, and access our Creativity on Demand.
A Mamarazzi's Guide to Creativity is a welcome distraction that will help the self employed, work from home entrepreneur find solid ground in creativity.
Ideas may be easy if we are only coming up with one or two but if you open this book to any of the pages and try to produce more than three, you will feel a burn, scratch your head, and you will be sweating, and working hard.
This book targets the needs of individuals engaged in quality management activities and enables them to incorporate new skills into their daily work. The author presents a serious study of...
... like Bill Gates, J. K. Rowling, Steve Jobs or Walt Disney are classic examples of the universal feeling that failure is not final, it is just process. You don't watch a football match to see every pass end in a fantastic goal.
Debunks 10 common myths, including: the Eureka Myth; the Lone Creator Myth; the Incentive Myth; and The Brainstorming Myth Written by David Burkus, founder of popular leadership blog LDRLB For anyone who struggles with creativity, or who ...
We must deal with systems, processes, and protocol in executing our ideas. We have to deal with the everyday demands of communicating and creating interdependently. While we certainly gain new opportunities when we organize around the ...
By inviting women to accept and nurture their own inherent ability to express their talents, the author offers guidance that can help to transform any woman's life from one of self-imposed limits to one of infinite freedom.
Acclaimed author Michael J. Gelb, who has helped thousands of people expand their minds to accomplish more than they ever thought possible, shows you how.
"INSIDE THE BOX answers one of the most-asked questions in corporate America: How can our organization be more creative?
Under pressure, people often think they can't be creative; many more are convinced they are not creative at all because they have never been 'arty'. Creative genius Edward de Bono debunks these common notions in this remarkable book.