This book will assist you with your ascension process. These are glorious times indeed, and as you raise frequency and let go of the past, a new you is emerging. You are not alone in this process, and many intelligences, energies, and friends are supporting you and your purpose. We are part of this support team, and as you reach new heights, so do we. We ascend just as you do to higher and higher frequencies and more glorious light. Please join us in this adventure. Since you have free will, you control your part in this project. Sometimes it may seem that you have no choice in this endeavor, but you have. From the higher levels, you have all chosen to ascend. St. Francis
Kaufman details the incredible true story of science's search for the beginnings of life on Earth and the probability that it exists elsewhere in the universe.
Just fifty years later, wet rice agriculture and iron metallurgy suddenly appeared in Japanādevelopments that profoundly altered the Japanese economy ... Ellie thought that Qin made Alexander the Great a schoolyard bully by comparison.
Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise battle against the Borg, an alien race of half-human, half-machine drones who want to control every species in the universe.
This is about my life growing up with the thought that there were Aliens, then the confirmation from my dad and his friends after not talking about it to anyone for so long.
The crew of the USS Enterprise ignore the prime directive in an effort to ensure that a brilliant scientist makes Earth's first flight at warp speed, despite the attempts of the Borg to stop him.
As with all history paintings, this is the key to interpreting First Contact paintings. They do not simply illustrate important events in American history; they come to stand in for larger historical issues and issues of concern within ...
An original spin-off novel set in the popular Star Trek: The Next Generation universe from bestselling author John Vornholt.
Celebrate this landmark anniversary by taking a deep dive into the stories behind this beloved film.
However, in doing so, this volume examines these impacts from a variety of national perspectives and thus through these different vantage points creates a more nuanced perspective on how expeditions were at once a global phenomenon but also ...
Since they pay no attention to the Kon-Tiki during their first encounter, Falcon at first concludes that they are indeed harmless vegetarians. The events of the next day cause Falcon to change his opinion: these same mantas, ...