Scripture is clear: the spiritual battlefield is real and the Enemy is determined. But most Christians are ill-equipped and unprepared when attacked, and even fewer are on the offensive. Still others write off spiritual warfare as irrelevant today, while on the other extreme some credit Satan for every imaginable problem in life. The purpose of this book is to provide biblical balance and clarity in order to establish a proper battle plan – exposing the Enemy for who he really is and showing Christians how to win this war with the spiritual weapons already at their disposal. Disarming the Powers of Darkness answers critical battleground questions: · * Does Satan know my thoughts and hear my prayers? · * Where exactly does spiritual warfare take place? · * How do we deal with spirits of fear and uncertainty? · * How can we be victorious in a culture that is increasingly dark?
When it comes to spiritual warfare, some of us will walk blindfolded into a firefight while others of us blaze away at the drop of a leaf.
The purpose of this book is to provide biblical balance and clarity in order to establish a proper battle plan – exposing the Enemy for who he really is and showing Christians how to win this war with the spiritual weapons already at ...
Few books, however, have developed a careful biblical theology on demons, principalities and powers. Clinton Arnold seeks to fill this gap, providing an in-depth look at Paul's letters and what they teach on the subject.
I do not like the term, "spiritual warfare".
Respected author and teacher Calvin Miller recounts his own experiences with spiritual warfare and shows how we can overcome the influence of evil in our personal circumstances.
In this manual for spiritual warfare, seer, prophet, and bestselling author, Hakeem Collins goes beyond basic teaching to offer revelatory training and unique spiritual insight on overcoming the powers of darkness in your daily life.
What is needed, says Os Guinness, are "impossible people," followers of Christ who are willing to face reality without flinching and respond with a faithfulness that is unwavering.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Scripture reveals that the great business of life is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering work, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delightisour duty.
What does the gift giver say about the gift He gave? This book will help you overcome the arguments, fears, and anxieties related to this gift.