Transition economies experience transformation of their economic system. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a number of former socialist countries underwent transitions from central planning to a market economy. More generally, many rapidly growing economies undergo no less profound transformations of their economic systems. Contrary to common misconception, the transition process cannot be simply reduced to eliminating state intervention and liberalizing the economy. Economies under transition exhibit a unique set of policy challenges. Unlike developed market economies, missing markets or market failures abound. Economic transformation takes the form of rapidly evolving patterns of international trade and investment, industrial structure and consumption. These changes call for appropriate public policies. A continuing flow of investment hinges on suitable institutions, the provision of public infrastructure and other public goods. Adequate regulation can be central in ensuring that environmental resources are sustainably managed. And sophisticated production systems, call for corresponding social institutions in terms of education, health and welfare provisions. In all these cases, accurate empirical assessments are central to the design of effective policy. This book presents a selection of pressing economic and social issues in transition economies. Selected issues include the development of particular industrial sectors, the drivers and consequences of foreign direct investment, public finances, urbanization, social indicators, environmental policy and energy diversification. In each case an original empirical analysis is performed, using a variety of advanced quantitative methods, applied to recent data. The book will be of interest to economists studying transition economies, economic development or having a general interest in applied economics. It will be of particular interest to applied economists, policy analysts and policy makers in transition economies, concerned with the shape and direction of appropriate economic reforms.
This four-volume-set (CCIS 208, 209, 210, 211) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Economics, Business and Development, ISAEBD 2011, held in Dalian, China, in August 2011.
Bauer (emeritus, London School of Economics) describes and analyzes major features of the emergence of less developed countries from subsistence to exchange economies, and from their subsequent advance. The 17...
Empirical Methods for the Study of Labor Force Dynamics
This book, Platinum Essays In The Philosophy Of Applied Economics Of Development, is a collection of interrelated and interconnected essays on applied economics of development with underlying philosophy contents.
The application of economics to major contemporary real world problems -- housing, medical care, discrimination, the economic development of nations -- is the theme of this new book that tackles these and other issues head on in plain ...
Knight , Frank H. 1952. “ Institutionalism and Empiricism in Economics . " American Economic Review 42 : 45-55 . ... In Stephen Rosen and James R. Kurth , eds . , Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism . Lexington , MA : D. C. Heath .
New to this Edition: - A brand new chapter on human capital:education, nutrition, health, and therole of women in development - New material on the Sustainable Development Goals, the measurementof poverty, and the multidimensional poverty ...
Great Economists on Development Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Jomo KS, K. S. Jomo ... William ( 1983 ) , Friedrich List : Economist and Visionary , 1789–1846 ( London : Frank Cass ) . Hoselitz , Bert F. ( 1960 ) , “ Theories of Stages of ...
This book, Platinum Essays in the Philosophy ofApplr'eei Economics of Development, is a collection of interrelated and interconnected essays on applied economics of development with underlying philosophical contents.
Discussing a wide range of topics of contemporary relevance from the domain of finance and economics, this book presents a collection of twenty-four research papers, which were selected on the basis of their topicality, the novelty of ...