Wholeness (beyond wellbeing) is an innate need of the human race; as reflected in our willingness to do whatever it takes to be whole. In many cases people have trouble identifying the real issue(s) they are dealing with in their life, ending up battling with just the symptoms, such as anxiety, insecurity and addictions. Wholeheartedness: The Chief Ingredient To Wholeness takes you to the root of issues and leads you to the Source of help. This insight is delivered in a systematic and easy-to-follow format, tackling crucial issues such as: The reality of One True God in Three Persons. The tragedy of idolatry. What it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The ministry of the Holy Spirit. The challenge on our part to love God wholeheartedly. Wholeness is an ongoing process resulting from one's dedication to Jesus Christ--the true Counselor--and a determination to walk in His principles of discipleship. The spiritual nuggets provided in the Scriptures and the power of the Holy Spirit (another Counselor) are the best resources available, and the radical nature of the deal is highlighted throughout the entire Canon.