Take charge of your money today with Personal Finance Simplified. By making smart personal finance choices now, you can build a solid foundation for your family and your future. Personal Finance Simplified will show you, step by step, how to understand your personal finance needs, plan for your future, and create a budget that will bring you security and peace of mind. With helpful tips for saving money in the short term and long term, and straight talk on how to manage your debt, savings, investments, and major purchases, Personal Finance Simplified can help you at every stage of your life, from graduating college, to changing careers, to growing your family, to retirement. Personal Finance Simplified will introduce you to the fundamentals of managing money, with: Easy guide to creating a personal budget 10 simple ways to reduce your spending 5 stages of getting out of debt 3 questions to help you get real about your personal finance options Tips on banking, buying a home, and filing taxes from the editors of Personal Finance Simplified Personal Finance Simplified will help you take control of your cash flow once and for all.
Personal Finance Simplified will help you take control of your cash flow once and for all."--Back cover.
Filled with personal stories told in her straightforward and candid style, this book is the missing ingredient for anyone who wants to take control of their finances and live their most fulfilled life.
Filled with personal stories told in her straightforward and candid style, this book is the missing ingredient for anyone who wants to take control of their finances and live their most fulfilled life.It doesn't matter where you are on your ...
Checklists are included in each chapter, as well as helpful charts and tables that aid in getting and staying organized. This book will be a valuable guide on the path to financial control and security.
In Money is Everything, Amanda Reaume, the author behind Millennial Personal Finance and host of the Millennial Personal Finance podcast, helps walk you through everything you need to learn to manage your financial life including the best ...
Joe Lee Sample, Jr. Account Number: 333-33-3333 Sarah Lee Sample Credit Cards: Swiping Safely Credit cards are prime targets for identity thieves because they can get the information needed and begin using your credit very quickly and ...
This book will help those who have felt uninformed, intimidated, or excluded from the process, and will simplify difficult topics like budgeting, investing, paying for college while saving for retirement, and helping kids with debt.
"[The author's] personal finance system teaches tried and tested biblical principles of finance as well as practical tools and techniques that take a person from financial bondage to financial freedom"--Page 4 of cover.
This book is arranged by learning objectives. The headings, summaries, reviews, and problems all link together via the learning objectives.
Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies will help Millennials to be confident about managing their finances and get on a clear path toward financial security.