What is God? Does he exist? Can we know? The God Confusion offers a down-to-earth beginner's guide for anyone interested in these questions. It does not evangelize for God and religion or, indeed, for atheism, secularism and science. Instead, it explores in a witty yet objective and balanced way the idea of God and the strengths and weaknesses of the standard arguments for his existence. Gary Cox shows that the philosophical reasoning at the heart of these arguments is logically incapable of moving beyond speculation to any kind of proof. The only credible philosophical position is therefore agnosticism. The God Confusion defends science generally and the theory of evolution in particular. It argues that if religion is not to appear increasingly outdated and ridiculous in the eyes of free-thinking, educated people, it must accommodate science and accept that science has replaced the old God of the gaps as an explanation of natural phenomena. Concluding that God may or may not exist, on the grounds that science, philosophy and theology are inherently incapable of proving or disproving his existence, The God Confusion acknowledges that religious faith based on a deliberate commitment to live as though there is a moral God is a coherent notion and a worthwhile, even prudent enterprise. At the same time, it rejects the idea of inner certainty as mere wishful thinking, arguing that it is not a coherent basis for belief and is simply bad faith.
The answers to these questions and many others are revealed in this book, which compares false traditional beliefs with Jesus' worldview--removing confusion that blocks God's will for your life.
Confusion can be good for the soul! The insights of this book will empower you to discover a more breathtaking God and better you. That is why this book doesn't propose three easy steps to stifle your bewilderment with God.
This is a story that will resonate with the emerging generation of young adults attempting to break new ground within their own faith tradition.
Alister McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath present a reliable assessment of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, famed atheist and scientist, and the many questions this book raises--including, above all, the relevance of faith and the ...
The church of our day has embraced a theology that endorses a self-serving existence. We were born for more than that! We are the giant killers of our generation! Be awakened to the purposes of God! Be free from religious confusion!
He presumes that the confusion of worlds proved fatal not only for the Lakota people but also for Jesus of Nazareth.
Originally published: Fenton, Mo.: Life in the Word, Inc., 1995.
This book challenges its reader to examine the many false beliefs, erroneous teachings, and practices in the faith, such as the false belief that an angel whose name is Jehovah is God Almighty and the false practice of paying tithes instead ...
Seth, God of Confusion: A Study of His Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion
Do you wonder why your life had to be the way it was? Do you find yourself asking, “Why, God, why?” This very question once tormented bestselling inspirational author Joyce Meyer, until she realized that waiting for the answer only ...