After the Fact studies the terrain of Holocaust documentaries subsequent to the turn of the twenty-first century. Until now most studies have centered primarily on canonical films such as Shoah and Night and Fog, but over the course of the last ten years filmmaking practices have altered dramatically. Changing techniques, diminishing communities of survivors, and the public's response to familiar, even iconic imagery, have all challenged filmmakers to radically revise and newly envision how they depict the Holocaust. Innovative styles have emerged, including groundbreaking techniques of incorporating archival footage, survivor testimony, and reenactment. Carrying wider implications for the fields of Film Studies, Jewish Studies, and Visual Studies, this book closely analyzes ten contemporary and internationally produced films, most of which have hardly been touched upon in the critical literature or elsewhere.
In this essential guide to the turbulent times in which we live, Marcus Gilroy-Ware investigates our era of post-truths and fake news and answers the question of where we can go from here.
“a foundational essay”: E. Shils, “On the Comparative Study of the New States,” in C. Geertz, ed., Old Societies and New States, The Quest for Modernity in Asia and ... Adams, Clark Howell, and later on Melford Spiro and Nur Yallman.
During the early twentieth century, anthropologist James Mooney did just that. His estimates, published in 1928, proposed a precontact North American population of approximately 1.1 million. A decade later, anthropologist Alfred Kroeber ...
Indeed, demonstrating that knowledge based on reason plays an essential role in society and that there is more to “knowing” than just acquiring information, leading philosopher Michael P. Lynch shows how our digital way of life makes us ...
After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, Volume II
Volume 2 of a 2-volume work that uses 15 dramatic episodes in American history to show students how historians go about the business of interpreting the past.
Learn the truth about his life and career and the code by which he lives his life. A share of the proceeds from this book will be donated to
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln At about 10:15 p.m., April 14, 1865, a lead bullet fired from John Wilkes Booth's derringer flattened itself within Abraham Lincoln's skull. The wound would prove fatal nine hours later.
In Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher delivers a blistering blow to the credibility of the Warren Report, and decades after its original publication researchers and readers are still discovering what made her work so important.
Katrina After the Fact is a poignant look at life in New Orleans after the storm.