In Big Questions: Mathematics, Tony Crilly answers the 20 key questions: What is math for? Where do numbers come from? Why are primes the atoms of maths? Which are the strangest numbers? Are imaginary numbers real? How big is infinity? Where do parallel lines meet? What is the math of the universe? Are statistics lies? Can math guarantee riches? Is there a formula for everything? Why are three dimensions not enough? Can a butterfly's wings really cause a hurricane? Can we create an unbreakable code? Is math beauty? Can math predict the future? What shape is the universe? What is symmetry? Is math true? Is there anything left to solve?
In the wake of his enormously popular books, The Armchair Economistand More Sex is Safer Sex, Steven Landsburg uses concepts from maths, economics and physics to address the big questions in philosophy: Where does knowledge come from?
This beautiful minimalist story, collected here for the first time, is the culmination of ten years and more than six hundred pages of work that details the metaphysical quandaries of the occupants of an endless plain, existing somewhere ...
Solomon and Higgins's engaging text covers philosophy's central ideas in an accessible, approachable manner.
"In a world that doesn't always welcome big questions, a persistent and inquisitive girl keeps asking them anyway--because asking questions is how we learn and grow"--
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In the spirit of Schott’s Miscellany, The Magic of Reality, and The Dangerous Book for Boys comes Can a Bee Sting a Bee?—a smart, illuminating, essential, and utterly delightful handbook for perplexed parents and their curious children.
Its uncertainty, unpredictability, even its irrationality, make it what it is.Often, we run blindly into fire, we step on snakes, we get entangled in snares -- these are the fires of desire, the snakes of attachment, and the snares of ...
The book is written in a clear and friendly manner and deserves a very wide readership.” Michael Ruse, Florida State University This provocative text considers whether evolutionary explanations can be used to clarify some of life’s ...
In this book, which is based on new landmark research from the Fuller Youth Institute and combines in-depth interviews with data from 1,200 diverse teenagers, Kara Powell and Brad M. Griffin offer pastors, youth leaders, mentors, and ...
Sharon Lamb, Lyn Mykel Brown, and Mark Tappan, Packaging Boyhood: Saving Our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers, and Other Media Stereotypes (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2009). Sharon Lamb and Lyn Mykel Brown, Packaging Girlhood: ...