Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Domenici, Pete V.—1628, 1677 Dominquez, Marianna—1269 Donaldson, Daniel—1310 Dooley, Calvin M.—1250, 1551, 2185 Dorgan, ... 1432, 1433, 1807, 2062 Ford, William D.—1592 Forester, Lynn—1798, 1802 Foster, Henry W., Jr.—1319 Fowler, ...
Masiello, Anthony M.—72 Mason, jean—32 Mathews, Mary—174 Matsui, Robert T.—436 Mattingly, ]ohn H.—1063 Mauk, ... Richard M.—1057, 1073 McGinn, Richard A.—469 McGovern, James P.—l40, 143 McIntosh, Susan Keech—1059 McKeever, Mary ]ane—ll8 ...
... is caused primarily by human behavior, and is likely to have calamitous consequences. The project's biggest private backer is the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, established by one of the Koch brothers, 28 B I LL CLIN TON.
The enhanced e-book version features interviews with the experts who appear in the book, including Carne Ross, the “rock star” of digital diplomacy; Teddy Goff, the Digital Director for President Obama's 2012 Campaign; Lara Stein, ...
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
Provides the final report of the 9/11 Commission detailing their findings on the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Contains the papers and speeches of the 42d President of the United0 States that were issued by the Office of the Press Secretary during the period July 1 to December 31, 1995.
This basic text for AA members and groups around the world lays out the principles by which members recover and by which the fellowship functions.
The History and Future of the World Trade Organization is a comprehensive account of the economic, political and legal issues surrounding the creation of the WTO and its evolution. Fully...
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Barack Obama