(sponsored by the Family School Community Partnership Issues SIG) Promising Practices for Engaging Families in Literacy fulfills the need from parents and teachers to improve home/school assistance in every child’s literacy development. Literacy skills are required and valued in all academic areas and at all levels of education from preschool through adulthood. This volume provides suggestions and support to improve parent/child involvement in literacy activities from preschool through teacher education programs. Research is provided to undergird the documented practices that increase student academic achievement through improved literacy skills across academic areas. Practices include connections between home and school across age groups, developmental needs groups, universities, community groups, and technologies.
... parents during conferences based on home literacy portfolios. Education and Urban Society, 32(1), 58–82. Paratore, J.R., Melzi, G., & Krol-Sinclair, B. (1999). What should we expect of family literacy? Newark, DE: International Reading ...
... to family literacy: Exploring possibilities. Reading Teacher, 59(4), 394–396. Paratore, J. R., Melzi, G., & Krol-Sinclair, B. (1999). What should we expect of family literacy? Experiences of Latino children whose parents participate in ...
Mixed emotions: Teachers' perceptions of their interactions with students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16, 811–826. ... Transforming school leadership and management to support student learning and development.
In L. Justice (Ed.), Clinical approaches to emergent literacy intervention (pp. 29–70). San Diego, CA: Plural. Muscott, H. S. (2002). Exceptional partnerships: Listening to the voices of families. Preventing School Failure, 46(2), ...
Promising Practices for Engaging Families in STEM Learning explores how families, schools, and communities can join together to promote student success in STEM by building organized and equitable pathways for family engagement across all of ...
NEW TO THIS EDITION The text addresses bold and exciting new directions in the field of family engagement in education, including the explosive growth of digital media and learning, the investment in student performance data systems, the ...
Promising Practices for Engaging Families in STEM Learning explores how families, schools, and communities can join together to promote student success in STEM by building organized and equitable pathways for family engagement across all of ...
Thirty-six of the best thinkers on family and community engagement were assembled to produce this Handbook, and they come to the task with varied backgrounds and lines of endeavor.
Bringing together prominent scholars, this book shows how 21st-century research and theory can inform everyday instructional practices in early childhood classrooms (PreK-3).
Based on four guiding practices - reflect, connect, collaborate, and lead alongside families – each section of the book highlights theory, real-world strategies, discussion questions, and activities that can be used by teachers, teacher ...