Co-published with TESOL Press There is a growing need for knowledge and practical ideas about the preparation of teachers for English language learners (ELLs), a growing segment of the K-12 population in the United States. This book is for teachers, administrators, and teacher educators looking for innovative ways to prepare teachers for ELLs and will position teachers to empower these students. This volume will appeal mostly to those preparing teachers in contexts that have not have historically had large numbers of ELLs, but have had a high rate of recent growth (e.g., Midwestern U.S.). This work is the combination of teacher preparation and ELL issues. This volume is unique in tackling pre-service and inservice teacher preparation. Additionally, the chapters collectively aim to go beyond merely equipping teachers to meet the needs of ELLs, but to reach a level of effectiveness with the outcome of equity. The book highlights the knowledge, skills, and beliefs of teachers about ELLs. Part I addresses teacher perceptions of, and beliefs about, ELLs and teacher preparation specifically addressing what they should know in terms of students’ perspectives. Chapters attend to the experiences and beliefs of immigrant teachers about their roles, the role of service learning in teacher preparation, and the potential of understanding home literacy practices to change teacher beliefs about ELLs. Part II focuses on skills necessary to teach ELLs—writing skills teachers can draw on to inform their teaching practices, technological skills teachers need to develop, and skills related to focusing on the Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics. Each chapter explicitly addresses implications for teacher education or professional development.
Over the last decade, I have grappled with this responsibility in my teaching of methods courses for undergraduate students who have entered secondary teacher education with the goal of becoming English language arts (ELA) teachers.
This book is at the forefront in focusing exclusively on the preparation of mainstream classroom teachers for this population of students.
This book prepares mainstream teachers to provide content instruction to English language learners.
Looking closely at what happens when translanguaging is actively taken up to teach emergent bilingual students across different contexts, this book focuses on how it is already happening in classrooms as well as how it can be implemented as ...
This book explains what teachers need to know about language in order to be more effective in the classroom, and it shows how teacher education might help them gain that knowledge.
This book challenges us to weave the reality of today’s classrooms and the needs of English learners into the preparation of all of our prospective teachers.
It is widely used in undergraduate and graduate programs, including:- Elementary and secondary teacher education- Literacy and special education- TESOL and bilingual educationWayne Wright's deep respect for educational practitioners and his ...
Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, Mackey, W. (1968). The description of bilingualism. In J.A. Fishman (Ed.), Readings in the sociology oflanguage (pp. 554r-584). The Hague: Mouton. Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D., & McTighe, ...
This book examines the educational gaps that multilingual students in rural communities experience.
From learning how students acquire a second language to differentiating instruction to exploring practical strategies for teaching newcomers, this book will help educators learn how to create effective learning environments for English ...