Super Average Boy is back with another thirty fun-filled devotional readings for kids. For both boys and girls, these devotionals address real-life situations faced by kids 8 to 12, through the antics and adventures of “Average Boy.” These creative stories and devotions encourage young readers to embrace the joy of being Super Average, as they find purpose and peace with the person God made them to be. This second book in the series covers topics like texting/cyberbullying, handling homework, the importance of reading, finding a mentor, missing curfew, confidence, overscheduling, preparing to serve God as an adult, conflict resolution, and more.
Provides devotions for boys and includes advice on such topics as peer pressure, fears, handling change, and health.
Jesse Florea, Bob Smiley. Chapter 19: Backstabbing Buddy Chapter 20: Exxxcccuuusssseeee Me! Chapter 21: Chores Are a Bore Chapter 22: Grandparents: Oldies but Goodies Chapter 23: Cheater, Cheater, Grade Deceiver Chapter 24: That Makes ...
Enjoy the signature humor of Christian comedian Bob Smiley. Boys and girls, ages 8 to 12, love the funny stories as they learn important biblical lessons packed into every adventure.
The average boy with above-average advice weighs in on what to do when you don't know what to do.
Offers to impart such biblical truths as salvation, prayer, and forgiveness and teach young readers to grow in their relationship with God.
James Strong, “New Strong's Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Hebrew Bible,” The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995, 1996), 120–21 (word 6754). [4]. Archaeological Study Bible (Grand ...
A book of devotions uses stories, Bible passages, and activities to teach healthy attitudes and habits.
He raised his hand and asked, “Could we sell candy to raise money to help pay our way?” The teacher checked with the school office and organized a fund-raiser. Jordan liked the idea, too, because his family didn't have enough money for ...
In the 1500s, a priest named John Gerard escaped the Tower of London by hacking away at the stones that held his cell closed, sneaking past the guards, and lowering himself down a huge wall on a rope into a boat in a moat.
One day I was visiting my friend Shelley, who had recently given birth to a cute little nugget with a full head of dark hair. As I was holding the baby, Ileaned over to breathe in that baby scent from her baby's head.