The Definitive Resource for Viewing the Night Sky David Dickinson, Earth science teacher and backyard astronomer, and Fraser Cain, publisher of Universe Today, have teamed up to provide expert guidance on observing the night sky. The Universe Today Ultimate Guide to Viewing the Cosmos features the best tips and tricks for viewing our solar system and deep sky objects, as well as detailed charts, graphs and tables to find must-see events for years to come. This comprehensive guide is complete with stunning and exclusive photography from top night sky photographers, as well as advice on how to take your own incredible photos. Take your recreational viewing to the next level with activities like: Finding comets and asteroids Tracking variable stars Monitoring meteor showers Following solar activity Tracking satellites Timing lunar and asteroid occultations With star charts, practical background information, technological resources and telescope and astrophotography guides, this is the ultimate resource for any backyard space enthusiast.
Discover Beautiful Nebulas, Constellations, Deep Sky Objects and More with Your Telescope David Dickinson, co-author of The Universe Today Ultimate Guide to Viewing the Cosmos, has created the ultimate field guide for backyard astronomers.
The touchstone for contemporary stargazers. This classic, groundbreaking guide has been the go-to field guide for both beginning and experienced amateur astronomers for nearly 30 years.
The tides that the Moon creates as it orbits the Earth occur because the pull of Moon's gravity on the oceans nearest to it is stronger than its pull on the central core of our planet. This elevates the water level on the side closest ...
It went something like this: If he dropped a ball, it would descend toward Earth in free fall until it hit the ground. Launching that ball parallel to the ground from a cannon would propel it some distance, but Earth's gravity would ...
The Stars also provides an endless parade of mind-blowing facts such as when Betelgeuse explodes, it will release more energy in an instant that the Sun produces in its entire lifetime!
This illuminating book features an introduction by Tilman Sauer and invaluable firsthand perspectives on the history and significance of the LIGO consortium by physicists Barry Barish and Kip Thorne.
The core of the book is a tour of the cosmos covering the Solar System, the Milky Way, and galaxies beyond our own.
Who Should Buy This Book? Adults, seniors, teachers and students... anyone with a passion for learning about the world around us. If you want to inspire and profoundly change a child's life, buy them this book.
Mack looks at five ways the universe could end, and the lessons each scenario reveals about the most important concepts in cosmology. --From publisher description.
"Easy-to-read guide to the universe. Includes information on the planets, and other astrological entities"--