Bring home a Grace Livingston Hill classic. Amorelle Dean is tired. Sick and tired of the string of well-wishers meddling in her future. Ever since her father died only days before, every woman in town has a piece of advice. On a visit to her uncle’s, Amorelle finds solace in the company of handsome George Horton, but just as she begins to embrace their whirlwind engagement, she meets another man and knows what true love feels like. Is it too late to alter love’s course?
Go and tell him that Bernadette Amorelle is here and never mind anything else.' She had second thoughts, rummaged in her bag, an outmoded kind, a black velvet reticule with a silver clasp, the sort that was fashionable around 1900.
A Voice In The Wilderness
'What exactly do you want to know about the Amorelle and Campois outfit, chief?' 'Everything ...' 'Hold on ...' He took a scrap of paper out of his pocket. 'Old Campois, first of all. Arrived at the age of eighteen from his native ...
When Amorelle Inanga mounted the dais, followed a few steps behind by Christopher Oyesiku, a new round of applause began. The audience knew that the first half of the evening was to be brought to a close by the Inanga-Oyesiku pair.
The Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Library to 1980
Set 'some time in the future', the play is intended to stimulate discussion on the social, ethical and religious problems which could arise if euthansia became legal.
Vada ad annunciargli Bernadette Amorelle e non si curi d'altro...». Poi ripensandoci, frugò nella borsa di foggia antiquata, una sacca a rete in ciniglia nera con il fermaglio in argento, come si trovavano in commercio all'inizio del ...
Vada ad annunciargli Bernadette Amorelle e non si curi d'altro...». Poi ripensandoci, frugò nella borsa di foggia antiquata, una sacca a rete in ciniglia nera con il fermaglio in argento, come si trovavano in commercio all'inizio del ...