Balancing the capacity enhancing needs of the national airspace system with the need to protect the environment can be challenging. The FAA estimates that the annual number of passengers travelling by air in the United States will grow from 750 million in 2012 to over 1 billion by 2023. It also forecasts a corresponding 20 percent increase in the number of flights, which could add to existing flight delays and air traffic congestion. Even while the aviation system has grown and continues to grow, airports have sought to limit the environmental impacts generated by their construction and operations - such as noise, water, air, and waste pollution - in part, to meet applicable legal requirements. However, airports' environmental impacts have been a source of friction with neighbouring communities. This book addresses the actions that airports have taken to reduce the environmental impacts of airport operations and development; and the strategies they can adopt to mitigate delays in implementing capital projects and operational changes.
TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Research Report 174 defines and discusses green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) management strategies, a relatively new approach to regulation compliance.
Economic Impact of Winnepeg International Airport
He leaped onto the step behind the front wheel , opened the door , and slammed the kill button , which switched off the diesel engine . Gerald hurled Ian out of the way as he jumped out of the cab , and Harrie saw the other door open as ...
Airport UK: A Policy for the UK's Civil Airports
Report Relating to the Development of Terminal Area, Townsville Airport (Third Report of 1985)
Report Relating to the Redevelopment of Facilities at Darwin International Airport, Northern Territory (seventh Report of 1984)
With this trend developing nationwide, the TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 223: Performance Measures for State Aviation Agencies develops PMs for the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) ...
Foster and Kaplan's research indicated that emphasizing continuity does not create value at a pace sustainable with that of market changes . Similarly , maintaining the status quo often precedes a decline in performance .
... Austin EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PETER H. APPEL, Administrator, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, U.S.DOT J. RANDOLPH BABBITT, Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.DOT REBECCA M. BREWSTER, President and COO, ...
Aviation Associations Staton, Katherine A. Esq. Partner, Jackson Walker L.L.P. DOT Regulations as to Passenger Delays and Rights, and Their Rarnifications. January 6, 2011 Passenger Advocacy Organizations 2010 Media Report Card.