From the beginning of the American federal government, Congress has required executive branch agencies to release or otherwise make available government information and records. This book first assesses the meaning of transparency and subsequently examines the statutes, initiatives, requirements, and other actions that make information more available to the public or protect if from public release.
This book first assesses the meaning of transparency and subsequently examines the statutes, initiatives, requirements, and other actions that make information more available to the public or protect if from public release.
It also examines transparency and secrecy from the standpoint of how the public accesses government information, and whether the release of government data and information may make operation of the federal government more or, counter ...
The Government/Press Connection: Press Officers and Their Offices. ... Reporters and Bureaucrats: Public Relations Counter-Strategies by Public Administrators in an Era of Media Disinterest in Government. Public Relations Review, 25, ...
From the beginnings of the American federal government, Congress has required executive branch agencies to release or otherwise make available government information and records.
This book traces changing attitudes towards secrecy in eighteenth-century France, and explores the cultural origins of ideas surrounding government transparency.
Colin Darch and Peter G. Underwood, Freedom of Information and the Developing World: The Citizen, the State and Models of Openness (Oxford, U.K.: Chandos Publishing, 2010), 51–52, 103. For general descriptions of the international FOI ...
... Censored 2006 (p. 48). New York: Seven Stories Press. Phillips, P. (2006). A study of bias in the Associated Press. In: Censored 2007 (pp. 343–355). New York: Seven Stories Press. Phillips, P., & Huff, M. (2009). Censored 2010. New York ...
... 159 capitalism: anticapitalist activism, 90–91; communicative capitalism, 64–65, 82, 120; surveillance capitalism, 103–4, 107, 160 capitalist realism, 84, 161 Christen, Kimberly, 188–89 Christensen, Lars Thøger, 69 Chun, Wendy, 175, ...
John Roberts , “ Green Paper on Legislation on Public Access to Government Documents , ” in The Complete Annotated Guide to Federal Access to Information , ed . Michel Drapeau and Marc - Auréle Racicot ( Toronto : Carswell , 2001 ) .
Transparency is perceived as fairer than secrecy According to another common argument, transparency in decision-making may increase the perceived legitimacy of a political system because transparent political processes are likely to be ...