The first edition of Becoming a Literacy Leader chronicled Jennifer's work as she moved to a new school and a new job as a literacy specialist and found herself tackling everything from teacher study groups to state-mandated assessment plans. The new edition of her book is a thoughtful, reflective evolution of her work as she rethinks how her identity and role as a literacy leader have evolved in the ten years since she wrote the first edition. She focuses on three ideas to describe her work: the concept of layered leadership, shared experiences in making meaning together, and the importance of rowing in the same direction as a school community. Jennifer firmly believes that teachers know what they need when it comes to professional development, and she describes the layers of support that coaches can implement within a school, including in-class support, curriculum support and assessment, study group facilitation, and the cultivation of teacher leadership. She provides an explicit framework for implementing these layers of coaching and explains how administrators can use the literacy leader position to build and sustain change within their schools. Literacy leaders and coaches can use this book as a road map for how to approach their work with purpose and intention. Online videos that accompany the book bring the text alive by showing readers what coaching looks and sounds like.
With OVER 30 TOOLS to support your work, discover how to... Beginning of the book - 1. Harness the foundations of inspirational school leadership 2. Build effective teams that deliver high outcomes for all students 3.
ANNOTATED RESOURCES The toolkit document summarizes important information on the history and pillars of ESSA, including descriptions of the major objectives of ESSA to develop the knowledge and awareness of literacy leaders striving to ...
Morgan made arrangements with her principal to work with two 5th-grade teachers in another building who believe that students should read and learn through the Internet to develop “new literacies” (Leu, Forzani, & Kennedy, 2014).
Expert coaches and anyone coaching for the first time will love The Literacy Coach! Reviewers Sum it up! "The framework in which this book is embedded is one of the...
Packed with vivid examples from actual schools, this book explores specific ways that literacy leaders can partner with teachers to meet all students' instructional needs.
Schneider, M. K. (2014). A chronicle of echoes: Who's who in the implosion of American public education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Schneider, M. K. (2015). Common core dilemma: Who owns our schools?
This book will guide you in improving your literacy leadership skills so you can ultimately enhance your professional practice.
Visual Environment, Attention Allocation, and Learning in Young Children: When Too Much of a Good Thing May Be Bad. ... Best practices in writing instruction (pp. 13–27). ... 11 essentials for a highly effective classroom library.
"Following the advice that is offered in this book will support your efforts to become an effective literacy leader.
Outlines a basic literacy system that includes analyzing the strengths of current approachs, setting high expectations, and identifying where to adjust current curriculum and instruction.