Orthopaedic Knowledge Update Trauma 5

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update Trauma 5
American Acadmey of Orthopaedic Surgeons
William M. Ricci, Robert F. Ostrum


OKU - your trusted 'consult' for trauma management Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Trauma 5 brings together relevant knowledge and new breakthroughs in orthopaedic trauma treatment and management. Developed by the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) and published by AAOS, this new edition features chapters on computer-assisted surgery, new technologies, and the diagnosis and management of infection associated with fractures and nonunions. Explore a completely new section on Nonunions, Malunions and Infections, as well as expanded coverage of pediatric trauma and new chapters on osteoporosis and pathologic bone, DVT prophylaxis in fracture patients, degloving injuries, management of traumatic nerve injuries, femoral neck fractures in the younger patient, and much more. Whether you focus on orthopaedic trauma or rotate on trauma call, OKU's objective, evidence-based coverage of all aspects of orthopaedic trauma care will help you decide the best approach for every situation. Chapters on the delivery of orthopaedic trauma care, and career and practice management issues augment the clinical content. Sections are: General Topics Nonunions, Malunions, and Infections Soft-Tissue Injury and the Polytrauma Patient Upper Extremity Axial Skeleton: Pelvis, Acetabulum, and Spine Lower Extremity Geriatrics Pediatric

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