The aim of this thesis is to unfold the multilayered intersubjective experience of the author himself, a Chinese pastor. Samuel Ooi argues for a cultural-linguistic experience of shi as the locus at which the intersubjective experience takes place. To unfold this experience, the author identifies five key texts that are found in his intersubjective experience: Text A1: Shi; Text A2: Yizhuan; Text B1: Pauline notion of principalities and powers; Text B2: Pauline Texts I and II: Galatians and 1 Corinthians; and Text 0: Ooi's initial or seminal experience of shi. In dialogue with Michael Polanyi and Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ooi proposes that a double vision hermeneutic will help interpret the multilayered intersubjective relationships between texts and the subject. He argues that study of this intersubjective experience reveals a vital facet of Chinese Christian self, and significantly enhances the study of Chinese theology.
The Double Vision originated in lectures delivered at Emmanuel College in the University of Toronto, the texts of which were revised and augmented.
The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion
This book presents proponents of five approaches to biblical hermeneutics and allows them to respond to each other.
Following a brief examination of the historical Jesus (Yeshua, using his actual Aramaic/Hebrew name), the book moves into a phenomenological study of the image, idea, and the place of both in our felt experiences.
... (albeit in the primal sense of orientation prior to theoretical understanding).12 This is so even when such omnipresent tactile hermeneutics hides itself, functioning as a carnal medium we see through (diaphanein) but do not see.
... that the most important tradition of the Pentateuch, and indeed the foundational tradition of the history of the people of Israel and its claim to be in historical relationship with the God of Israel, YHWH, is the exodus tradition.
Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M., New York, Paris, Wien. Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity. Vol. 111 General Editors: Richard Friedli, Jan A.B. Jongeneel, Klaus Koschorke, Theo Sundermeier, Werner Ustorf
When Christians gather regularly to hear the Word of God , they do not typically attend simply to the public reading of scripture but rather to preaching , which involves the active interpretation of scripture ; and they participate in ...
The Visionary Mode: Biblical Prophecy, Hermeneutics, and Cultural Change
A Study in Hermeneutics and Theology Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Professor Kevin J Vanhoozer ... is finished When philosophy paints its gray in gray, a form of life has become old, and this gray in gray cannot rejuvenate it, only understand it.