Over the decades, histories of Lyndon Johnson have continued to evolve. There remain many debated questions even more than 40 years after his death. The 37th president is, even today -- and more so than others who have attained the nations highest elected office -- such a larger than life figure that no single biographical work fully captures or contains him. Johnson dominated government and American public life for a relatively brief time, only a half-decade. Yet, his personality and his policies have resonated for far longer. While topics such as the Great Society and Vietnam continue to capture the attention of many scholars, later rounds of revisionism also brought into focus other aspects of the Johnson presidency. Historians and thinkers continue to wrestle with questions as relevant to today as they were during the Johnson administration. These include debates over the proper role of government in its citizens lives, the conduct of elected officials and the credibility gap during wartime, the extent to which the federal government is capable of transforming society, and the limits of social welfare policies.He continues to be ranked very high on domestic policy, even while he is criticised for escalating American involvement in the Vietnam War. His stock has been much slower to rise than other presidents following their deaths, perhaps because many of the controversial issues of his presidency remain controversial and unresolved today. For that reason, his legacy remains unresolved, yet he continues to inspire and fascinate. For as long as additional records continue to be declassified and released at the Johnson Presidential Library on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, new studies continue to be written, creating opportunities for fresh perspectives on both familiar and emerging discussions. His long rehabilitation continues.
most important was the retirement of Secretary of State General George C. Marshall , after a serious kidney operation , and his replacement by Dean Acheson . I was very sorry to see General Marshall leave our official family .
With Reverence and Contempt concludes with a series of recommendations, including legislative changes aimed at improving the relationship between the president and the public by cutting the president's symbolic value down to size.
... Bethany College , West Virginia Lucas , M. Philip , Cornell College , Iowa Lugar , Richard G. , United States Senator ... National Endowment for the Humanities , District of Columbia McLoughlin , William G. , Jr. , Brown University ...
" This new edition restores the original text, includes two chapters added in the revised (1892) edition, and traces the story of how this landmark biography got written.
... 63, 69, 87; and Bush agreement, 695; and East Pakistan, 608–9; independence movement, 405, 422; in Seven Years' War, 18–19, 32, 37 Indiana Territory, 130 Indians (Native Americans): Black Hawk War, 163; 721 FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE.
... DLC : Monroe Papers Joel Poinsett to JM 6 April 1823 Charleston John Drayton no longer wants an appointment in ... Rio de Janeiro as an informal agent because of poor health ; asks that JM reply to Drayton's request for appointment ...
( 4 ) Charles E. Whittaker ( 1901–1973 ) , of Missouri , served as associate justice 1957–1962 . He generally voted with the conservative bloc . He resigned for health reasons . ( 5 ) Potter Stewart ( 1915–1985 ) , of Ohio , served as ...
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson William Edward Leuchtenburg ... When Representative Adam Clayton Powell criticized Bess Truman's presence at a DAR tea , despite its refusal to permit Powell's wife , the pianist ...
... hosts Melvin and Bren Simon; murder victim Matthew Shepard; and Senator Evan Bayh. july 25, 1999 Thank you very much. ... And Chelsea is here, and Hillary's mother is here, who, as I'm sure you know, has been here at least twice, ...
Aurora , for the Country ( Philadelphia , December 19 , 1900 ) , as quoted in Anderson , Promoted to Glory , 32 , and ... Peter T. Rohrbach and Lowell S. Newman , American Issue : The U.S. Postage Stamp , 1842-1869 ( Washington , D.C .