The first part of the book, after setting the stage with a discussion of comparison as a method of inquiry, focuses on the core institutions that affect politics within nations, as well as on political behavior and civil society.
Organized thematically around important questions in comparative politics—who rules? what explains political behavior? where and why?—Introducing Comparative Politics, Fifth Edition by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, integrates a ...
This accessible introduction to comparative politics offers a fresh, state-centered perspective on the fundamentals of political science.
Goldberg, S. (1993) Why Men Rule. Chicago: Open Court. Goldstone, J.A. (1991) Revolution ... Granovetter, M.S. (1985) 'Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness', American Journal of Sociology, 91 (3): 481–510.
The books set out not just to report on the discipline, but to shape it. The series will be an indispensable point of reference for anyone working in political science and adjacent disciplines.
All go beyond reporting and monitoring to develop explanations that draw on the authors' expertise while engaging in structured conversations across the book.
The book's organization allows you to teach the course the way you want to teach it.
The book concludes with a stimulating discussion of whether the great systems debates of the past (socialism vs. capitalism, democracy vs. authoritarianism) are now over and points to some of the next important study and research frontiers.
This is achieved through a comparative examination of state and social institutions, the interactions that occur between them, and the poltical cultures within which they operate.
A : The critiques of and the hostility toward Talcott Parsons played an important role in this decline . ... Take a person who becomes a finance inspector or gets accepted to the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in France .
This book will be an essential primer for graduate and postgraduate students in comparative government and politics as well as introductory courses in political science as well as aspirants of civil services.