Clifton's Cafeteria--it might just be the most famous restaurant in the history of L.A. Nah, not because of the movie stars who showed up (oh, yeah, there were plenty), but because real people ate there. Millions of 'em since 1931. Nobody forgot that if a hungry person couldn't pay, that was OK. The Golden Rule. That's what the place was all about. So everybody came. Clifford Clinton owned Clifton's--all of 'em--everything he did was about doin' unto others. Nobody goin' hungry on his watch. When he saw corruption in his City of Angels, he went after it. He led a campaign to recall the mayor. He cleaned up the town. His story is as good as it gets--straight outta Raymond Chandler, only real--Clifford Clinton's never-published story, and more stuff about L.A. you just won't believe. And the pictures. So many. They're like everything you remember about Clifton's--delicious. Like green Jell-O with whipped cream. (You gotta pay for the book, but it's worth every penny.)
... Wilshire Boulevard at Hamilton Drive; Hollywood Boulevard between Wilcox and Cahuenga, across from Warner Brothers Studios; North Vine Street; West Sixth Street west of the Richfield Oil Building; and Sixth and Flower Streets.
Privilege and Prejudice is a stereotype-defying autobiography.
An affectionate history of the architecture, design, and décor of American chain restaurants, from their beginnings in the 1870s (the early Harvey Houses at railroad stations on the Western frontier)...
An updated version of the StrengthsFinder program developed by Gallup experts to help readers discover their distinct talents and strengths and how they can be translated into personal and career successes.
Richard's cousin is missing, and his best hope of finding her rests with the wily, one-eyed, ex-governor of Florida. Carl Hiaasen introduces his iconic character Skink to a younger audience in this nail-biting adventure!
Air Force Combat Units of World War II
Fires , earthquakes , floods , murders , the lofty palms that bend torturously back upon themselves as the gentle ocean beach ... and a plethora of future scenarios would grow as if set in place like bad seeds in the Garden of Eden .
If you love Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City books, you'll want to get lost in The Garden of Allah.
A journalist and case writer presents a social history of Los Angeles, from Prohibition to the Watts riots, focusing on the long-running war between notorious gangster Mickey Cohen, and the man who would become the city's most famous police ...
Grumman had brought the lander out of the design phase and was trying to move it in the production line. But there were indications that the contractor was going to have problems. ... George F. 197 M O V IN G T O W A R D O P E R AT I O N S.