Unlocking the Source for True Leadership Too many people, men and women alike, have bought into a notion of leadership that exclusively emphasizes traditionally “masculine” qualities: hierarchical, militaristic, win-at-all-costs. The result has been corruption, environmental degradation, social breakdown, stress, depression, and a host of other serious problems. Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia show us a more balanced way, an archetype of leadership that is generative, cooperative, creative, inclusive, and empathetic. While these are traditionally regarded as “feminine” qualities, we all have them. In the Indian yogic tradition they're symbolized by Shakti, the source that powers all life. Through exercises and inspirational examples, Bhat and Sisodia show how to access this infinite energy and lead with your whole self. Male or female, leaders who understand and practice Shakti Leadership act from a consciousness of life-giving caring, creativity, and sustainability to achieve self-mastery internally and be of selfless service to the world.
All leaders should learn to value and understand ''''Shakti Leadership'''', meaning acting from a consciousness of life - giving creativity and sustainability to achieve self - mastery and be of selfless service.
Mindfully Wise Leadership presents timely, implementable, and easy mindfulness practices for the modern workplace.
This book reflects on the models of leadership espoused by ancient Indic traditions, in particular the Advaita Vedanta tradition.
Vajpayee fleshes out not only Vajyapee's political philosophy but also provides an insider's account and an intimate memoir of the person.
My thirteen years at Medtronic provided the platform, one well established by founder Earl Bakken, to turn this concept into reality. Some would cite Medtronic's increase in shareholder value from $1.1 billion to $60 billion ...
What does the Biblical story of Nathan and David say about effective communication skills?
Shakti’s New Voice is the first comprehensive study of Anandmurti Gurumaa, a widely popular contemporary female guru from north India known for offering spiritual teachings and music on satellite television and the Internet.
From your first meeting with your new colleagues to planning long-term goals, this book also offers descriptions of common scenarios in the boardroom to epitomize real situations and desired outcomes.
In a world that urgently needs healing on many levels, this is a movement whose time has come. The Healing Organization shows how it can be done, how it is being done, and how you can begin to do it too.
Monica Sharma describes how we can source our inner capacities and wisdom to manifest change that embodies universal values such as dignity, compassion, fairness, and courage.