Chivalry is not dead! Central figures in "The Matter of Britain," King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table still inspire many books and films today. Drawing on the legends of Camelot from French and English sources, Sir Thomas Malory compiled the drama of illicit love, the magic of sorcery, and the quest for the Holy Grail into a sordid and chivalrous tale that's been recounted for centuries. This beautiful leather-bound volume, with gilded edges and a ribbon bookmark so you never lose your place, will be a treasured edition of classic Arthurian folklore in any home library.
First published in 1485 by William Caxton, Le Morte d'Arthur is today perhaps the best-known work of Arthurian literature in English.
The text is accompanied by an up-to-date bibliography, including websites and video resources, and a descriptive index keyed--like the retelling itself--to the book and chapter divisions of William Caxton's first printed edition of 1485.
First published in England in 1485, this epic is credited with combining the disparate Arthurian legends into a cohesive, definitive canon. This is an unabridged version of Sir Thomas Malory's tale of swords, quests, honor, and betrayal.
The original text does not worry about factual answers instead relying on the imagination and the fairy tale personalities of the Lady of the Lake, Merlin, Lancelot and all the rest of the noble characters that arise in these stories.
Edited and published by William Caxton in 1485, Malory's prose romance drew on French and English verse sources to give an epic unity to the Arthur myth, and remains the most magnificent re-telling of the story in English.
Not much is known about Malory other than the fact he is the author of Le Morte d'Arthur, which is perhaps the most famous book on the legendary King Arthur.Le Morte d'Arthur is a reworking of many of the classic tales centering around King ...
The book contains some of Malory's own original material (the Gareth story) and retells the older stories in light of Malory's own views and interpretations.
SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION PROMOTIONAL PRICE. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The beloved classic tales of chivalry, love and betrayal retold in a voice accessible to the modern reader. Complete and Unabridged.
Edited and published by William Caxton in 1485, Malory's prose romance drew on French and English verse sources to give an epic unity to the Arthur myth, and remains the most magnificent re-telling of the story in English.
This book is Volume II. The book interprets existing French and English stories about these figures, with some of Malory's own original material (the Gareth story).