Annie Oakley, was an American sharpshooter who became an international star performing for heads of state and royalty. This book is an introduction to the life Annie Oakley whose perfection in her sport inspired Broadway plays, musicals, and songs. Her story is considered a folktale, or legend, which is a story passed on by word-of-mouth through generations, organically changing each time it is told. This exiting volume contains original artwork, historical context of the story, recounts the folktale from diverse cultures, and defines words unique to her legend.
Thoroughly researched, fully annotated, and entirely unsentimental, this volume is the most complete and accurate record of Annie Oakley’s life and achievements.
You want girl power? Meet Annie Oakley! Born in 1860, she became one of the best-loved and most famous women of her generation. She amazed audiences all over the world with her sharpshooting, horse-riding, action-packed performances.
A biography of America's greatest female sharpshooter delves beneath her popular image to reveal a conservative but competitive woman who wanted to succeed.
Highlights the life of Annie Moses, better known as Annie Oakley, the United States' greatest female sharpshooter.
Fact-based biography of an American heroine of the Old West.
Your entire family will enjoy this spirited tale of a talented frontier woman whose sharp-shooting exploits brought her international fame.
Profiles the life and legends related to the sharpshooter known as Annie Oakley.
The Life and Times of America’s First Sweetheart Long before the screen placed the face of Mary Pickford before the eyes of millions of Americans, Phoebe Anne Oakley Moses—aka “Annie Oakley”—had won the right to the title of the ...
Phoebe Ann Mosey, better known as Annie Oakley, takes center stage in this script that follows the life of a sharp shootin' Western folk hero from her early struggles in a poor family to a time when she amazes audiences all over the world.
Focuses on the childhood of the famous American sharpshooter.