This book is a wonderful introduction to negotiable instruments, checks and more modern payment systems. It covers recent developments such as the mortgage crisis, the transition of check collections from paper to digital images, the growth in the use of debit cards and stored value cards as payment devices, payments made over the internet through non-bank intermediaries and mobile payments. The Third Edition covers all significant developments in the 21st century relating to Articles 3 and 4 of the UCC. A valuable resource that will benefit both lawyers and law students.
本书分八章, 内容包括:存款准备金制度的起源与理论基础, 存款准备金制度的职能与作用, 中国存款准备金制度理论评价, 中国存款准备金制度操作与实践等.
Financial Institutions Answer Book provides, in a handy Q&A format, a comprehensive overview of the complex federal requirements regulating financial institutions in the United States.