Roberts, 382 Crider v. Zurich Ins. Co., 334 Cross v. Kloster Cruise Lines, 688 Cruikshank v. Cruikshank, 77 CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of Am., 352, 359, 360–361, 457 Cutts v. Najdrowski, 115–116 Cybersell, Inc. v.
330 (2011); Donald Francis Donovan, Provisional Measures in the ICJ and ICSID: Further Dialogue and Development, in CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION: THE FORDHAM PAPERS 2012, ...
This book is an updated and expanded version of the General Course delivered by the author at the Hague Academy of International Law in 2002. The book chronicles and evaluates...
1362 Eschewing the familiar ploys of procedural characterization and the preliminary question , the Swiss judges decided to face the real issue , namely does the refusal to recognize foreign remarriages of Italian divorcees make sense ?
Choice of Law and Conflict of Laws
In this book, Erin O'Hara and Larry E. Ribstein explore a new perspective on law, viewing it as a product for which people and firms can shop, regardless of geographic borders.
This book offers a contractual framework for the regulation of party autonomy in choice of law.
Domicile; Litigational Matters; Jurisdiction to Adjudicate; Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Decrees; Domestic Relations; Creation Status and its Consequences; Dissolution of Marriage and Its Consequences; Choice of Law:...
This book draws on articles which the author has published in various journals over the past twenty years and presents a distinctive and coherent theory of choice of law in the conflict of laws.
This book was originally published as a monograph in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws/Private International Law.