Expert authors provide an analysis of the law of trusts and estates. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, trusts, estates and future interests, nonprobate mechanisms, the construction of donative documents, and planning for incapacity. The book incorporates the latest provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners.
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
The Ninth Edition introduces a completely new, two-color design for a clearer presentation of core material and didactic imagery. Shaded box and"sidebarsand" insert context, background, and real-life examples throughout the text.
For those who need only to pass the bar, the organization of the text is keyed to multi-state essay examination topics as presented on the multi-state bar exam.
For example, Geraldine P. Bass, the settlor, lives in State A, as does Dolores L. Evans, the trustee. At the inception of the trust, at least, it will be governed by the laws of A because that is the place where it is to be administered ...
Plus, the Fifth Edition is national in scope while going in-depth on a state-by-state basis as well, making it applicable for every legal student.
The best legal guide to wills and estates—with more than 80,000 copies sold—now updated to cover the current asset protection options and estate laws Whether grappling with modest or extensive assets, The Complete Book of Wills, Estates ...
In rejecting the privity defense, Vice- Chancellor Robert E. Megarry of England stated the argument against it succinctly: In broad terms, the question is whether solicitors who prepare a will are liable to a beneficiary under ...
In this timely new edition, distinguished authors Dukeminier and Johanson build on the success of their phenomenally popular casebook Wills, Trusts, and Estates with new coverage of non-traditional family arrangements, living wills, and ...
Tight uniformity of writing style and approach means that if you use one of these guides, you can be confident that the others will be of similar quality.
This complete text focuses specifically on New York practice and eliminates the need for other supplements.