Natural Resources Law and Policy is a user-friendly, concise, inexpensive text on how we manage our valuable resources. Written to be an enjoyable and informative guide to natural resources, rather than used as a dry reference source, the authors provide a broad conceptual overview of natural resource management while also explaining the major statutes, cases, and doctrines. The book is intended for three audiences - students (both graduate and undergraduate) seeking a readable study guide for their natural-resource and environmental courses; professors who do not use casebooks (relying on their own materials or case studies) but want an integrating text or want to include conceptual materials on the major legal issues; and practicing lawyers and professionals who want a readable overview of the field. The first part of the book explains the major themes and issues that cross-cut natural resources law as well as the relevant legal doctrines from administrative law, constitutional law, and standing. The second part of the book explores the management of specific natural resources - from fisheries, forests and frogs to national parks, oil and water, and others. A series of problem exercises run throughout the book, describing a legal or policy conflict in detail and asking students to identify and assess solutions. Textual boxes out set out the details of important judicial opinions.
Lawrence J. MacDonnell is director and Sarah F. Bates is associate director of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado School of Law. Bates is co-author, with...
Environmental Law and Policy is a user-friendly, concise, inexpensive treatment of environmental law. Written to be read rather than used as a reference source, the authors provide a broad conceptual...
DOUGLAS 458 U.S. 941 (1982) Joy Sporhase and Delmer Moss lived in Phillips County, Colorado, and owned a farm that straddled the Colorado-Nebraska border. After purchasing the property in 1972, they developed an irrigation system ...
This book may also be of relevance to environmentalists, policy-makers, NGOs, and investors working in the natural resources field.
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
But the observation that follows the statement above is revealing: "Because the open houses did not have any chairs nor were they organized in a traditional 'town hall meeting' format, several individuals who merely wanted to ...
'This book is a very welcome addition to publications on globalisation and natural resources management.
Natural Resources Law: A Place-Based Book of Problems and Cases, Second Edition, features: broad national coverage that extends beyond traditional public lands topics illustrative examples that involve specific locations, often including a ...
Natural Resource Regulation in California: A Practical Guide to Agency Permitting and Procedures
Two justices, John Paul Stevens and David Souter, concurred in the Court's delegation doctrine result in American Trucking, but not in the Court's opinion on the issue. In a separate opinion, they noted that they would prefer the Court ...