PMBOK&® Guide is the go-to resource for project management practitioners. The project management profession has significantly evolved due to emerging technology, new approaches and rapid market changes. Reflecting this evolution, The Standard for Project Management enumerates 12 principles of project management and the PMBOK&® Guide &– Seventh Edition is structured around eight project performance domains.This edition is designed to address practitioners' current and future needs and to help them be more proactive, innovative and nimble in enabling desired project outcomes.This edition of the PMBOK&® Guide:•Reflects the full range of development approaches (predictive, adaptive, hybrid, etc.);•Provides an entire section devoted to tailoring the development approach and processes;•Includes an expanded list of models, methods, and artifacts;•Focuses on not just delivering project outputs but also enabling outcomes; and• Integrates with PMIstandards+™ for information and standards application content based on project type, development approach, and industry sector.
This practice guide is aligned with other PMI standards, including A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, and was developed as the result of collaboration between the Project Management ...
This is an update and expansion upon PMI's popular reference, The Practice Standard for Project Risk Management.
PMI's latest foundational standard, The Standard for Organizational Project Management (OPM), expands upon the popular Implementing Organizational Project Management: A Practice Guide, published in 2014.
This practice guide is aligned with other PMI standards, including A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, and was developed as the result of collaboration between the Project Management ...
Assisting organizations in improving their project management processes, the Project Management Maturity Model defines the industry standard for measuring project management maturity.Project Management Maturity Model, Second Edition ...
Natchnienie i Fart, czyli Innowacja i Przedsiębiorczość. ... Innowacje w sferze zarządzania: Powody, cele i sposoby. ... Pojęcie, determinanty i znaczenie innowacji zarządczych (management innovation) – stan badań nad zjawiskiem.
In the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK(R) Guide), the IEEE Computer Society establishes a baseline for the body of knowledge for the field of software engineering, and the work supports the Society's ...
This book introduces Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and provides an overview of standards used to implement SQA.
This book is composed of a selection of articles from The 2021 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'21), held online between 30 and 31 of March and 1 and 2 of April 2021 at Hangra de Heroismo, Terceira Island, ...
Twelve technical articles from 1999 to 2014 that will help the understanding of the project management context.