An introductory text that balances retail theory, application and math concepts within the context of buying. New companion website includes basic math tutorials and more assignments using computerized spreadsheets.
The Art of Retail Buying will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you towards merchandising excellence!
The companion text, Making Buying Decisions: Using The Computer as a Tool furthers the connection between retail buying strategies and merchandise math.New to this Edition -- Updated and expanded chapter features: "Internet Connections," ...
This thoroughly updated edition includes updated math problems and case studies of realistic situations. It also addresses the most up-to-date data relevant to a retail buyer's job today.
"The end objective of buying and merchandising is to achieve sales and gross margin objectives through effective merchandise management of a department or group of departments." —from Management of Retail...
PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing or renting this ISBN does not include access to the STUDIO resources that accompany this text.
This text represents a specialist text resource for students of retail management or marketing courses and modules, providing the reader with the opportunity to acquire a deeper knowledge of a key area of retailing management.
Revised edition of Mathematics for retail buying, 2014.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The text's problem-based method of learning incorporates questions and problems that train the reader to think like a buyer and encourage group collaboration and critical thinking.
For courses in Retail Buying, Retail Merchandising and Fashion Merchandising. This edition offers the reader all the latest developments in retail buying for the new millennium. With detailed cases and...