Covenant would not have helped Shylock.4 Ū Assumpsit: Indebitatus assumpsit, to the best of my knowledge, did not apply where a document was under seal.5 J. H. Baker says assumpsit would lie against a surety.6 However, Maitland says ...
The Great Cryptogram: Francis Bacon's Cipher in the So-called Shakespeare Plays
Francis Bacon 1576-1655 Ryan Murtha. This idea is also found in Merchant of Venice: “It is no mean happiness ... hand.”29. Parallelisms. Bacon, Advancement of Learning: As for evil arts, if a man would set down for himself that principle of ...
In the process, arguments are advanced as to why Shakespeare’s First Folio (1623) presents as an unreliable document for attribution, and why contemporary opinion characterised Shakspere [his baptised name] as an opportunist businessman ...
Shakespeare's Hidden Life: Shakespeare at the Law, 1585-1595