First visible only as blips on a telescope image, teh discovery of objects approaching from Jubiter sets humanity on edge.
Describes the discovery and characteristics of Jupiter's twelve moons and discusses the scientific developments resulting from the study of them.
With stunning photographs and explanatory artwork, the books are the perfect introduction to our solar system. Other titles in the series: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors; Earth; The Inner Planets; The Moon and The Sun
Discusses the development of the New Horizons spacecraft and its mission to explore Pluto, the Kuiper Belt, and Jupiter, looking at its construction, launch, and continued findings.
Learn about the planet Jupiter, explore its great red spot and more.
How many moons does Jupiter have? You don't have to travel through space to visit the King of Planets. In this book you'll find out how this planet makes its own heat, learn about its many moons, experience the planet's weather, and more.
Describes the physical characteristics of Jupiter and its moons.
Join Max the dog as he visits Jupiter and discovers all it's unique qualities.
Kristin Leutwyler. 18 | THE MOONS OF JUPITER Blooming Storms Jupiter's upiter's Great Red Spot blooms like a giant cabbage rose in this false color image , a composite of 18 photographs taken on June 26 , 1996. The Galileo Orbiter ...