... First Vision happened as Smith claimed, in 1820, it would have appeared in print somewhere before 1840. The following publications all came into print and there was no word about any kind of 'First Vision' ever recorded in any of them ...
This volume brings together some of the finest presentations from the 2020 BYU Church History Symposium honoring the bicentennial of the First Vision. Explore the influence of the First Vision, as well as teachings of other visionaries.
The First Vision: The Prophet Joseph Smith's Own Account
This book reflects the desire of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to deepen the doctrinal understanding of Church members and to awaken within them a greater desire to know the things of God.
Segal, Alan F. “Conversion and Universalism: Opposites that Attract.” In Origins and Method: Towards a New Understanding of Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Honor of John C. Hurd, ed. Bradley H. McLean, pp. 162–89.
This is the biography of a contested memory, how it was born, grew, changed the world, and was changed by it. It's the story of the story of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began.
Early Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision Woven Together as a Single Narrative If you're seeking greater understanding of how the original and contemporary accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision fit together, this book will help you.
The Daily Eagle announced, ''We think it is high time that the American people ... realized just what all this talk means. It means simply that a man is to be excluded from public office because he believes things which we do not ...
The book also includes teachings and testimonies of believers from subsequent generations, including prophets and apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
been so familiar to Church members for so long, noted historian and pioneer of First Vision studies James Allen wrote, “It is evident that the Prophet intended this narrative to become the basic source for Church literature.