The year is 2028. Everywhere, battles rage, and America is conquered--dying slowly beneath the iron fist of its new overlord: China. The war between China and the United States didn't start with an army or a tank or a bomb or a bullet. A simple demand lit the fuse. America owed China $19 trillion, and China wanted its money back. Now. But a long string of US Congresses lusting to spend and loathing to save had put America so deep in debt it couldn't get out. So China took the next best thing. America itself. The Wrath Of God shows you the realistic future awaiting an America that foolishly gambled on its future--and lost. In 2028, when God's wrath is revealed, will America rise from the ashes of the fire it started or disappear forever into the charred ground of history?
According to this myth , propagated in large part by the Kennedy family and court , John F. Kennedy was a kind of King Arthur in modern dress . His advisers were modern Knights of the Round Table and Jacqueline Kennedy his noble ...
The Third World War: The Untold Story
Parmi les témoignages , Boutros Boutros - Ghali , Shimon Peres , André Versaille , 60 ans de conflit israélo - arabe . Témoignages pour l'Histoire , Complexe , 2006. Jean Marcou , L'Égypte contemporaine , Cavalier Bleu Éditions , 2008 .
A story of military adventure and political intrigue, Shattered Nation is one of the most spellbinding alternate history novels yet published.
Greenfield is having fun here, and you can feel it on every page. His scenarios are relentlessly grounded in plausibility. This is a book political junkies will adore.
What if Sherman had been stalled outside Atlanta, and Lincoln had lost the crucial 1864 election? Or if Stuart's Cavalry at Gettysburg had arrived in time to give Lee the freedom of operation he lacked in reality?
Peter Tsouras has cleverly crafted this fine alternate account of the D-Day landings.