RADICAL NATION makes it clear what is at stake. If you want to Save America you must read this--it is MAGA all the way." -- PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP "RADICAL NATION is a must-read. Spicer presents a clear and concise understating of the direction we are headed and provides the tools and tactics necessary to combat it." -- NEWT GINGRICH "The Biden-Harris regime is pushing discredited policies that will destroy the very fabric of America. RADICAL NATION provides us with background on the direction they could take us, and ways we can fight back and win." -- DAN BONGINO "RADICAL NATION is critically important. My friend Sean perfectly diagnoses the problems with the Biden presidency and what we can do to save our nation." -- CHARLIE KIRK The Biden-Harris progressive agenda presents a radical change to the American economy, values, national security, and freedom. From the former Trump White House press secretary and New York Times bestselling author of THE BRIEFING and LEADING AMERICA comes a stark warning: Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America is lurching towards economic collapse, runaway inflation, wide-open borders, an all-out assault on human life and religious liberty, a K-12 school indoctrination plan, "election reforms" to ensure never-ending Democratic Party rule, and more. RADICAL NATION is a bold grassroots agenda for defending America against the Progressives' Socialist agenda. Featuring powerful stories that will move you and keep you riveted, this book will channel conservatives discouragement, anger, and betrayal into meaningful action to keep America free, strong, and secure for our children and grandchildren.
This book is not in any way a replacement for the book RADICAL NATION by SEAN SPENCER, but rather a brief summary of the contents of the book.
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
“Historical Revolution” and “Social Revolution” Synthesizing Khaldun's theory of asabiyyah with historical ... Focusing on ancient societies, Kıvılcımlı explored “the laws of the rise and fall of civilizations” (Kıvılcımlı [1965] 2012: ...
“Reveals a political trend that threatens both our form of government and our species.” - Timothy Snyder, author of ON TYRANNY "Riveting.... Want to understand how so many Americans turned against truth? Read this book.
But if we are to vindicate radical hope in the way in which I think it can be vindicated, we must see Plenty Coups as embodying a form of courage that Sitting Bull did not grasp. History had rendered the traditional, thick understanding ...
One of the most influential progressives in America outlines a battle plan for defeating President Bush, collecting the sage, insightful writing of such people as Barbara Ehrenreich, William Greider, Danny Goldberg, Ben Barber, Tom Andrews, ...
'Race, Nation, Class' is a key dialogue on identity and nationalism by major critics of capitalism.
Everything for Everyone chronicles this revolution -- from taxi cooperatives keeping Uber at bay, to an outspoken mayor transforming his city in the Deep South, to a fugitive building a fairer version of Bitcoin, to the rural electric co-op ...
Examines the ways in which the gospel is contradicted by the American dream and challenges Christians to join in a one-year experiment in authentic discipleship that promises spiritual transformation through the word of God.
Robbins, P., K. McSweeny, T. Waite, and J. Rice. 2006. “Even Conservation Rules are made to be Broken: Implications for Biodiversity.” Environmental Management 37 (2): 162–69. Rocheleau, Dianne, and Robin Roth. 2007.