Burning Scars

Burning Scars
Kristy Thomas


Tiffany stands before herself naked in the mirror surveying her body. This is her ritual, this is what she does everyday. To make sure that none of her scars have opened during the night, no sores, no bleeding. She shows us her most vulnerable side as she shares how she got the scars that she wears over most of her body. Remembering the woman that she was and the stranger that she has become. Domestic violence is a serious offense in society and sometimes people never see it coming. Tiffany never thought that she would open her door to a bottle of gasoline. Never thought that this man would smile as she burned. But she fought through and she survived. Sometimes life's greatest lessons are the ones that hurt the most to learn. Sometimes we have to be reminded of these lessons on a daily basis, by simply looking in the mirror. As we see in Tiffany the scars that she lives with are no match to her burning will to live, succeed, and tell her story of overcoming the most painful experience in her life to then be transformed.