My Best Friend Charlie

My Best Friend Charlie
Kristy Thomas


The prompt for his senior year English final was simple, "It was to tell the story of someone who has affected American History." His answer was Charles Manson. After fighting with his teacher and his parents he was given permission under the argument that the prompt didn't say that the affect had to be positive but he got much more than he had bargained for. He became obsessed with Manson: reading every book, every trial transcript, every article, even sitting in the courtroom where he was sentenced. His mind began to go places he never thought possible. Eventually he couldn't' handle school anymore and his parents tried desperately to save his mind from the hold that this man's historical events had on him. After a fight with depression he busts out the window in his room and tries to jump. Luckily his parents are able to save him, but he just wanted to bleed for Charlie. Maybe the blood would make him worthy of being in the family. He is older now, recovered and has his mind back but he will never forget those eight months that he gave his mind to Helter- skelter.